Check out The Grey Agents on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Get The Grey Agents music at Spotify, Apple Music, and all major streaming services.
The Grey Agents return with "Somebody To Blame," featuring new lead guitarist, Seth Maynard.
THE GREY AGENTS WILL PLAY AT THE ROBINSON GRAND on Jan 18, 2020 to raise money for local veteran's VFW. Check out the SHOW and buy tickets here!

The Grey Agents CD Release Party is at the Benedum Civic Center at 164 W Main St in Bridgeport, WV on May 26, 2018 at 7pm. Also featuring David Zinn and Seth Maynard.

Jan 23, 2016: Here's a video from one of The Grey Agents summer concerts: performing The Thrill Is Gone.
Aug 15, 2015: Here are some video highlights from the Bridgeport City Park show in Bridgeport, WV.
Aug 14, 2015: Here are some pictures from the Bridgeport City Park show.
Apr 23, 2015: Watch the new video for "Evie."
Apr 26, 2015: Thanks to everyone who came to the CD Release Party at The Main Street Cafe. We had a big crowd and a lot of fun. See our other scheduled shows here. There is a picture gallery on our Facebook page. There are some pictures below.
Apr 8, 2015: Check out the new lyric video for "The Real Me" from the new CD.
Mar 27, 2015: There's a new interview with the band in the latest issue of Graffiti.
Mar 12, 2015: Several live shows have been added. Check them out at the Shows and Pics link on this site.
Mar 5, 2015: gives "Classified Misinformation" 8 out of 10 stars. "Each song was well constructed and performed with true passion. It was also fun to listen to a real organ. Plucker Grey plays as if every note is important and never over stays his welcome."
Feb 26, 2015: Vents Magazine reviewed Classified Misinformation and says the CD has "Radio-friendly songs that stay with you long after the first listen." "It’s a supernova of melodic and positive passion and sound exploding into your soul, a game changer in a world that needs a new musical direction."
Feb 7, 2015: Watch The Grey Agents' first music video: "Anytime"
Jan 31, 2015: has a new review of Classified Misinformation. They write, "It should be heralded as a gem." "a celebratory, glory full return of feel good Pop Rock at its best." "If you feel depressed listen to it and you will feel better." "Its strong suit is the amazing arsenal of songs and melodies they bring to the table via intellectually stimulating lyrics, passion, power, vision and songwriting craft."
Jan 27, 2015: Rock n Roll View just published a new review of the new CD. They say The Grey Agents "boldly showcase world class musicianship." "All tracks are powerful, melodic and infectious." "this release is a wild ride" with "lyrics full of carefree reckless abandon"
Jan 23, 2015: A new review by Indie Arts Alliance says, "this CD provides instant gratification"; with "mind blowing lyrics"; and "By track three, I was sold".
Jan 21, 2015: There is a new story about The Grey Agents at Music Emissions.
Jan 18, 2015: There is a new review of the CD at Indie Music Review. They say, "The lyrics are catchy, the melodies are well crafted and hooky and the musical charisma of The Grey Agents is of rock legend." "slamming rhythm guitar, driving rhythm, rich harmonies and infectious vocal melody" "impressive solo guitar licks, well placed harmonies, keyboards/organ, impressive rhythm guitar, sporadic percussion and thick as a brick rhythm section" "a barn burner of a release. The music is consistent, uplifting, and extremely entertaining."
Jan 17, 2015: There is a new story on the band and CD release at Connect-Bridgeport.
Jan 16, 2015: The new CD is out TODAY! Get it at iTunes, Google Play,,, or The Music Center in Bridgeport, WV. You can buy physical CDs from and The Music Center.
Jan 15, 2015: Check out the new video about the Recording of Classified Misinformation...
Jan 14, 2015: The Grey Agents' debut CD, Classified Misinformation is out this Friday, January 16, 2015. It will be available on iTunes, Google Play,, and You can buy a CD at Music Center at 795-B West Main St in Bridgeport, WV (304)842-8510. You can also listen on Spotify.

Jan 10, 2015: There is a new Story on The Grey Agents on
Jan 9, 2015: The Gray Agents first live show will be at their CD Release Party at The Main Street Café in Clarksburg, WV on Apr 25. Doors open at 7pm, band at 8pm. It will be a special night with a few surprises. Come and party with The Grey Agents!
Jan 4, 2015: The first CD review is from Music Emissions. They give it 5 stars out of 5. Here is a summary. "The Grey Agents are clearly striving to write, record, and perform music that matters and their debut album, Classified Misinformation, fits the bill. The lyrical content is unusually sharp... the band plays with seasoned authority. The Grey Agents' debut is [a] resounding artistic success incorporating a variety of musical voices. Songwriting and playing of this caliber is the end result of years honing the craft. Wholeheartedly recommended." Read the entire review here.
Jan 3, 2015: You can pre-order Classified Misinformation and hear song snippets on
Jan 2, 2015: The Grey Agents will release their debut CD, Classified Misinformation on January 16, 2015. It will be available on iTunes, Google Play,, and You can buy a CD at Music Center at 795-B West Main St in Bridgeport, WV (304)842-8510.
Jan 1, 2015: Check out the promo video for Classified Misinformation below...
Check out The Grey Agents on Facebook. The Grey Agents are also on Twitter and Instagram.